Hiya! I'm Chocolatez.
D'you wanna see my art or commission me? It's all here.I'm not the biggest fan of most socmed, so here's your one-stop-shop for everything me.I'm just an artist who dips their toes in a little bit of everything. Mainly 2d illustration, but I've done a little modelling, animation, music creation, pixel art, game-making, writing, comic creation, and so on.
I've got big dreams and probably not enough time to chase them... but I'm going to try.Have fun looking around!
My Art!
All put together for your viewing pleasure.
My music!
All put together for your listening pleasure.
What'd you like me to draw?
Read through what I can do for you!
I'm down for just about anything. No promises about the quality of what I don't like, though, haha.
I'm... not a social person.
I got social anxiety, man. But if you're looking for any of them, they're here.
My Art. Look around!
Just a bloody girl.
A night sky.
Old art. Yield.
THERE'S NOTHING HERE FOR YOU. Unfinished, but still pretty.
An earlier design for Scylla.
Old art. Bright tree.
A test with the lasso tool.
A little test with something sureal.
A lot of the art for myself looks rather depressed, so here's one that isn't.
Unfinished work, but I like the perspective.
Drawn in Ibis Paint X. It's Saiki K.
Alt profile picture
Just that feeling you get when you're really obsessed with something, you know?
Old art. It's a monster that appeared in my nightmares, once.
Old art. It was for my friend.
More art of that friend's persona.
Medic, in a low-effort rendition of Badwater.
Medic. I keep bullying spy, but it's so appropiate.
Screwing around with colors. Still Medic.
Medic splash art-esque thing. Are you starting to see a pattern?
More experimenting with colors. Medic and Spy have lived through WW2 when they were younger, and that's an interesting aspect of their characters to explore.
Me, but more accurate to what I look in real life. My hair isn't that long anymore, though.
don't we all?
sometimes it just be that way.
Fanart for a friend.
Just me, chillin.
Fanart for someone on tumblr.
They're like cables.
* c a n ' t d o t h i s f o r e v e r .
A bright light.
Angel guy in a wall of blood. Fanart for a friend.
Art swap with another webtoon creator.
Older designs for some ocs.
Kiki redesign.
Turnarounds for the three girls. They're a bit off center.
Perspective/lighting test. The top of Pyre's head kinda looks like a shit, ngl.
Pyre sleeps with their pet next to her.
Another color/perspective test.
Hyperpop test. Uses same lineart as VACILLIATE.
Art for my webcomic.
Act 1 page.
Older art for my webcomic. Not used anymore.
Scylla and Trinity V.S. Karian.
Landscape, and a Scylla looking over it.
Trinity's looking fashionable.
Blep! It's Midori.
Commissions Info
Under construction! Ask me directly for more info, or if you want to commission me.
Under construction! Come back later.
Youtube: Chocolatez. It's not used much anymore, but I used to do animation, years ago. If you really want to see old cringey animations, it's all in a playlist.Tumblr: Cocoalatez. Mainly to post art for whatever I'm currently obsessed with.Twitter: Cocoalatez. Used mainly for my webtoon, but I've unfortunately lost interest in making it. Also, the site is going down to the gutter, so I'd rather not bother with it.Discord: Chocolatez, My Discord Server. First one's me, second one's self explanatory. If you wanna chat with me, this's the best way to do it.Email: [email protected], [email protected]. First one's for general inquiries, second one's for commissions. See my commissions page for more info on that. Also, the email button just sends you to this page because I could not get a mail link working. Just copy-paste!Webtoons: GREYSCALE. I'm known as Choco_latez on there, but this is my only webtoon on there.